Tuesday, June 2, 2009

From Garden To Dining Table

Garden harvest for this week:
Romaine Lettuce, mint, green onion, spicy globe basil (Ocimum Basilicum)...
Make a good use of the Easter basket :P
More vegetables and herbs

Some pasta to go with the home grown vegetables
Wash the Romanian lettuce

The leaves are quite thick... possible it's too old?
So instead of using it for salad, I decide to cook it with fish, zucchini, some garlic, onion oil and oyster sauce. A simple meal for the whole family :-)
What did you harvest from your garden lately?
Happy gardening!


  1. Now you inspired me with pasta ;-) Normally I take rice. Maybe once in awhile (for a change) I can get some pasta. I think my hubby might like it too :-D Btw, excellent cooking. The dishes look good... must have been so tasty!

  2. WOW! The dishes look so yummy...

  3. Yummy.... lovely ... now i am hungry!!

    ~ bangchik

  4. Thanks everybody, hope I can invite you guys for virtual dinner. Happy harvest!
